The content of Frisk.Friidrott is based on current scientific evidence, proven experience or best practice and has been developed via a working group consisting of researchers and practitioners involved in Swedish Athletics.

Jenny Jacobsson
Certified physiotherapist, associate professor in public health science/health in sports.

Sverker Nilsson
Sports Medicine Physician, PhD
Sports medicine physician. Member of The Medical Committee Swedish Athletics. Member of the Medical Committee Swedish Football Association.
Works clinically and is the head of the Neptune Clinic in Varberg. Club doctor in soccer, Falkenbergs FF.

Marina Sjöberg
Certified Dietician, MSc
Behavioral scientist & certified dietician. Marina has been working as a clinical dietician for a few years on eg. Karolinska Hospital in Solna and in sports nutrition and sports medicine and has been the Swedish Athletics Association’s dietician since 2004. Member of The Medical Committee Swedish Athletics.
Marina teaches at Karlstad and Gothenburg Universities, sports colleges and educates national team coaches / leaders in sports such as length, alpine skiing, athletics and horse sports. Marina is located in Karlstad and accepts customers / patients both privately and from occupational health and medical care.

Lena Haggren Råsberg
Sports Medicine Physician, pediatric orthopedics, chief physician Astrid Lindgren’s Hospital, Stockholm
Head physician Swedish Athletics.
Certified physician, specialist in orthopedic surgeon and pediatric orthopedics. Graduate studies at Karolinska Institutet. Lena has undergone post-graduates studies in gait analysis and biomechanics, sports medicine and administration of botulinum toxin in children with spasticity.
She has undergone the Swedish Athletics’s Child and Youth Coach educational programs and coach training in middle and long distance running. Lena is a co-author of the book * Compendium in children’s surgery and child orthopedics *. Lena has been involved in Swedish Athletics since 1995. Works clinically as a senior physician at Barnortopeden, Astrid Lindgren’s Children’s Hospital in Stockholm.

Joakim Ekberg
PhD, MSc
Public health scientist at Region Östergötland with a special focus on mental health and e-health. Process leader for assignments mental health Östergötland and healthcare strategist with specialization in ehealth. Sports research interest for psychosocial determinants of injury in individual sports, especially among young people.

Dejan Mirkovic
Dejan Mirkovic, is a trained naprapath but has for many years mostly worked as athletics coach where he works with youth and adult athletes at both national and international level. He has also been responsible for the coach education at Stockholm Athletics Association, lecturer at SISU (Svensk Idrotts Studie och Utbildningsorganisation) and responsible for the national sport high school activities at the Swedish Athletics Association. In addition to the coaching, Dejan also works with Swedish Olympics Committee as the Swedish Athletics Association’s responsible for the “Talang 2022 project”.

Tommy Eriksson
Tommy Eriksson, is a certified naprapath with long professional experience from having worked with four major national teams in Sweden; football, cross-country skiing, tennis and athletics.
Tommy is a much appreciated lecturer of physiotherapists, coaches, doctors and other professional groups in the field of taping. Known under the nickname “Tommy Tape”. He is the head therapist for the Swedish Athletics Team.

Anna Ek
Certified physical therapist, MSc
specialist in sports medicine. Works clinically in Jönköping. Engaged in Swedish Athletics Performance Center (PC) throws and is a member of the board of Swedish Athletics Veterans (Master). Medical coordinator for athletics athletes at the Athletic Development Center (ADC) in Växjö.

Frida Nikesjö
Leg Läkare, PhD.
Pictures: Ryno Quantz, Deca Text&Bild, och Jenny Jacobsson
Clipart: Presentermedia
Illustrations: Carin Carlsson, Ritbolaget
Infographics: idea and design Jenny Jacobsson (inspiration YLMsportscience)
Instruction Videoas
Taping: Tommy Eriksson
Acute care: Jenny Jacobsson och Dejan Mirkovic
Facts control
Medical Committee Swedish Athletics
Athletics Research Center, Linköping University
External review, reference below
Richard Thompson, certified physiotherapist, MSc. Athletics Research Center, Linköping University
Mariehill Reklamproduktion, Jonas Andersson
Jacobsson J, Ekberg J, Timpka T, Haggren Råsberg L , Sjöberg M, Mirkovic D, Nilsson S. Developing a web-based health guidance for coaches and parents in child athletics (track and field): participatory action research study based on best scientific evidence and sports practice. Accepted 2019, August.