We learn continuously throughout life, in a variety of different ways. The form of education that we may be most used to is that which happens in school, in a classroom under the guidance of a teacher. This is known as formal education.
Informal education is when we take our own initiative to learn about areas that we are curious about, such as sports or politics, and we usually do this learning on our own.
Non-formal education is organised and structured but takes place outside of school. In sport, learning is often non-formal and includes goals such as improving a particular technique or learning tactics. Training for athletics means, in addition to learning shot-putt technique for example, learning to understand what is happening in the body during training, or why sleep is important etc.
The purpose of #Learnmore is to suggest topics relating to athletics training that you can talk about and reflect on. This can be done in the training group, by parents and children and / or on your own, i.e. it is a form of non-formal education.
The goal of the #Learnmore tutorials is to help stimulate the young athlete to increase their knowledge of what is required to develop as an athlete.
Studieplaner (Swedish)
More information and education
Written by:
Jenny Jacobsson, certified physiotherapist. Medical coordinator Swedish Athletics. PhD, Post doctor, Linköping University och Per-Olof Hansson, senior lecturer, Linköping University.
References and further reading:
Holt, NL (Editor). Positive Youth Development through sport. Routledge. 2016.
Schugurensky, D. (2006). “This is our school of citizenship”. Informal learning in local democracy. In Z, Bekerman, N. C, Burbules & D, Silberman-Keller (Eds.), Learning in places. The informal education reader (pp. 163-182). New York: Peter Lang.